Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Darl McBride's Letter to Open Source Community. - by Darl McBride - The most controversial issue in the information technology industry today is the ongoing battle over software copyrights and intellectual property. This battle is being fought largely between vendors who create and sell proprietary software, and the Open Source community. My company, the SCO Group, became a focus of this controversy when we filed a lawsuit against IBM alleging that SCO's proprietary UNIX code has been ... [Linux.Com: NewsForge Reports]
11:17:16 AM    

Co-founder Joy to leave Sun. Computer and software maker Sun Microsystems says that Bill Joy, its co-founder and chief scientist, will leave the company. [CNET News.com]
11:16:20 AM    

Study: Windows Cheaper Than Linux for App Development. A new research study conducted by Forrester Research's Giga Information Group unit and commissioned and paid for by Microsoft Corp. has found that Microsoft offers a cost advantage over J2EE/Linux as a development platform for certain portal-type applications. [eWEEK Technology News]
11:15:15 AM    

Novell Nterprise Linux Services Hits Beta. Novell also announced it will include management services from Ximian Red Carpet in Novell Nterprise Linux Services 1.0. [eWEEK Technology News]
8:53:30 AM    

Keep it Real Simple, Stupid: An introduction to RSS. - by Lee Schlesinger - E-mail was the first good way to exchange ideas on the Internet. E-mail is fine for one-to-one or one-to-many distribution, but as a communication medium it's limited in many ways. The World Wide Web revolutionized Internet communication by providing a forum for widely publishing content, but it forces you to sift out the nuggets you want amid a ton of dross. A more recent innovation can deliver the content you want right ... [Linux.Com: NewsForge Reports]
8:35:13 AM