Thursday, September 04, 2003

The Wrong Choice: Farm-Products Chain says Wintel is a Saddle Sore We saw blue screens of death and got calls in the middle of the night constantly,' said Stevan Townsend, manager of database and BASIS administration for TSC, a nationwide chain of stores that deals in farm and ranch products; the Nashville, Tenn.-based company's 2002 revenue surpassed $1 billion. 'It didn't take us long to realize that Wintel was not the wisest move.' [Linux Today]
3:51:31 PM    

SCO says it signs new Linux customer. Hoping to build a $12 million line of business during its current fiscal quarter, The SCO Group Inc. claimed Wednesday to have signed up at least one new customer for its Linux licensing scheme and is retooling its sales force to make its case more effectively to a skeptical market. [InfoWorld: Top News]
2:04:30 PM    

Phoenix Developing DRM-Equipped BIOS. BIOS maker Phoenix Technologies said it is currently shopping a digital-rights-enabled BIOS system to top PC OEMs, the most aggressive use of DRM technology to date. [Extremetech]
11:21:32 AM    

Microsoft Patches Five Security Flaws Finally, a "low" risk assessment is placed on a NETBIOS issue that could allow a malicious user to view data on a target machine. Every NT based version of Windows from 4.0 to Windows Server 2003 is affected. However, both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are shielded by the Internet Connection Firewall found in each operating system. [BetaNews.Com]
8:54:30 AM    

Windows Rights Management Debut Draws Concern Windows Rights Management (RM) is designed to extend Windows functionality to permit "DRM friendly" applications such as the forthcoming Office 2003 suite to lock down sensitive documents from prying eyes. The RM client provides fine-grained content protection across all product lines. [BetaNews.Com]

Sounds fine if you have content to protect, but it is also a lockin to MSFT systems.

8:50:51 AM