Friday, March 19, 2004

FOSS Planet: All FOSS RSS, All the Time. As a open source news-hound and RSS fiend. I have more than my fair share of sites and rss feeds in my newsreader. So I've combined them into one. While I have further functionality plans.. the mere aggregation of open source news & personality's blog post are keeping me well in the know. Viola: FOSS Planet! It's really interesting to see how the conversations and stories in FOSS space unfold in sequence and without waiting for /. to publish them. I'm more than sure I'm missing some feeds so please let me know if I am so I can add them. Enjoy! [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Weblogs]
5:52:53 PM    

CentOS CentOS-3 3.1. CentOS is a community-based release of Enterprise Linux. Each version is based on open sources and is fully compatible with versions produced by Red Hat, Inc. Extra packages are made available by the community to augment the original release. The releases are not restricted by per seat licensing in any way. Centos-3 is based on Enterprise Linux version 3 and Centos-2 is based on Advanced Server 2.1. []
5:49:01 PM    

Novell Updates GroupWise for Linux, Zenworks and Partner Program. Novell Inc. rolled out a host of new announcements at CeBIT, including the first release of its GroupWise collaboration platform to run entirely on Linux, a new patch management offering and a new partner program. [eWEEK Technology News]
11:59:58 AM