Thursday, April 01, 2004

AmavisNewSQL SquirrelMail Plugin 0.7.1. The AmavisNewSQL SquirrelMail plugin gives you per-user control of a subset of SpamAssassin settings which are stored in a database. It also allows you to use a quarantine database for questionable mail. This plugin was designed with enterprise use in mind, and differs from other plugins in that it works with amavis-new rather than SpamAssassin directly. Most of the code lives in an external class that you can reuse in your own admin tools. It even has support for SOAP calls to perform common tasks. []
11:15:27 PM    

rawdog 1.11. rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur. It uses Mark Pilgrim's feed parser. It runs from cron, collects articles from a number of feeds, and generates a static HTML page listing the newest articles in date order. It supports per-feed customizable update times, and uses ETags, Last-Modified, and gzip compression to minimize network bandwidth usage. []
7:12:38 AM