Wednesday, April 28, 2004

SysAdmin to SysAdmin: Netgroups are not just for NIS anymore. With recent advances in freely available LDAP client utilities, Linux administrators can now take advantage of some of the benefits of network groups without the overhead of maintaining a NIS server. In this article, I'll explain what netgroups are, and how they can help you get finer-grained control over your local system security. [NewsForge]

LDAP is cool and managing users is even cooler.

6:40:48 PM    

New Turbolinux Desktop Works with Windows Media Player. Thanks to a licensing deal with Microsoft, Japan-based Turbolinux has added compatibility with Windows Media Format to its next Linux distribution. [eWEEK Technology News]
6:28:54 PM    

GeekTech: Create Your Own Home Page With Your Favorite Links (PC World). PC World - Here's GeekTech's guide to creating your own Super Kickstart page filled with all of the Web sites you regularly visit. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
2:00:48 PM    

FontForge 20040425. FontForge is an outline font editor that lets you create your own Postscript, TrueType, OpenType, CID-keyed, multi-master, CFF, SVG, and bitmap (BDF) fonts, or edit existing ones. It also lets you convert one format to another, and has support for many Macintosh font formats. []
11:36:02 AM