Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Amazon's Search Engine Goes Live

Amazon's Search Engine Goes Live
Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday April 14, @07:06PM
from the everyone-is-getting-into-the-game dept.
fjordboy writes "John Battelle has posted a discussion and review of Amazon's new search engine: From the article:"What makes this particularly noteworthy is that A9 is built quite literally on top of Google. In short, Amazon has taken the best of Google, and made it, to my mind, a lot better. Sound familiar? Yup, it's what Google did to Yahoo, Yahoo to get the picture." "


This is cool indeed.  Uses your Amazon credentials to track your search history.  I like it.  What's next, Amail?

8:46:25 PM    

Akeni Jabber Client 1.0. Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition is a cross-platform client for Jabber compliant servers. It features an XML-based messaging protocol, private chatting, conference mode, broadcast messages to groups of people, message log, a typing indicator, a full-featured rich-text editor, emoticons, and powerful online presence management. []
1:15:37 PM    

VIA Releases Source To Custom WASTE Client 

VIA Releases Source To Custom WASTE Client
The Internet
Posted by timothy on Wednesday April 14, @09:10AM
from the want-not dept.
daten writes "VIA has released the source code to their Padlock SL product, based on the Nullsoft WASTE code previously pulled by AOL. Padlock SL offers encrypted chat, instant messaging and file sharing over a private peer-to-peer network. Unlike WASTE, which is still under active development, the VIA client offers a graphical interface for both Windows and Linux users and simpler configuration."


10:17:46 AM    

/etc/init.d/linux.ars start. Ever wanted to know how to automatically detect which network interface to use in Linux? This week's edition of Linux.Ars has the lowdown on how to do it with Debian. [Ars Technica]
8:30:56 AM    

Zoe Intertwingle 0.5.8 (Stable). Zoe is a Web based email client with a built in SMTP and POP3 server and Google-like search functionality that lives on your desktop. It is written in Java and uses Lucene technology to provided instant searching and threading of your email messages. []
8:28:58 AM    

Namazu 2.0.13. Namazu is a full-text search system intended for easy use. Not only does it work as a small or medium scale Web search engine, but also as a personal search system for email or other files. Supported document types: HTML, Mail/News, MHonArc, RFC, TeX (with detex), man (with groff), Word (with wvWare), PDF (with pdftotext) and plain text. []
8:24:12 AM