Thursday, March 18, 2004

Zawodny announces ten new entertainment feeds from Yahoo. [Scripting News]

In additon, there are these tech feeds:

Internet: New
Personal Technology: New
Mobile & Wireless: New
Linux & Open Source: New
Software: New
Enterprise: New
Apple/Macintosh: New
Cellular Phones: New
Digital Photography New
Computer Security, Viruses & Worms: New
Semiconductor Industry:
RSS & Blogging: New
Microsoft: New
Digital Video & TV Technology: New
Video Games: New
Digital Music: New
Spam: New
Portals and Search Engines: New

5:31:06 PM    

EditiX 1.2.1. EditiX is a cross-platform and multi-purpose XML editor, which helps Web authors and programmers use XML and XML-related technologies, such as XSLT, FO and XSD schemas. It provides a lot of functionality within a refined IDE, which guides the user with intelligent entry helpers, and has real-time XPath location and syntax error detection. It allows the user to apply an XSLT or FO transformation, and show the result in a separate view. It includes default templates for XML, DTD, XHTML, XSLT, XSD, XML RelaxNG, SVG, MathML and XML FO. []
5:25:34 PM    

webCDwriter 2.6.6. webCDwriter can be used to make the CD- and DVD-writer(s) connected to a Linux box available to all users in your network. It consists of the server CDWserver and the clients webCDcreator and rcdrecord. CDWserver stores the files transmitted by the clients, reserves the CD-writer and controls the CD-writer using cdrecord. webCDcreator is a Java applet that runs within your browser or by Java Web Start, assists you when putting together a CD, and transmits the files. Finally rcdrecord is a command line client that tries to offer the functionality of cdrecord over the network with full multi-user support. []
1:28:21 PM    

PHP 5 Release Candidate 1 Released!. The first Release Candidate of PHP 5 is finally here! The move from Beta stage to RC stage means that PHP 5 is now feature complete, and is quite stable - stable enough for everyone to start playing with. Note that it is still not recommended for mission-critical use. Some of the key features of PHP 5 include: The Zend Engine II with a new object model and dozens of new features. XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library ( A new MySQL extension named MySQLi for developers using MySQL 4.1 and later. Additionally to a functional interface this new extension also includes an object-oriented interfaced and support for many of MySQL's new features such as prepared statements. SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite, please visit their website. A brand new built-in SOAP extension for interoperability with Web Services. A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML as PHP objects. It can also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa. Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams. And lots more... For changes since Beta 4, please consult the ChangeLog. [PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor]
1:17:02 PM    

openwfe openwfe - 0.6.3 released (OpenWFE). Total project downloads to date: 1372 Project description: OpenWFE is an open source java workflow engine. It features 3 components, easily scalable : an engine, a worklist and a web interface. Its workflow definition language is inspired of Scheme, a Lisp dialect, though it is expressed in XML. [Download] [Release Notes] By (John Mettraux). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
11:06:52 AM    

A Scrolling Grid. A problem often encountered in web design is condensing large tables of data into a standard 800x600 web page. In this article you'll Iearn how to use JavaScript to render any amount of table data into a small grid. By Guyon Roche. 0318 [WebReference News]
11:01:21 AM    

Google Dives into Local Search. The search leader launches features for finding local businesses from its home page and from a beta Google Local section, integrating results from its Web index and from Yellow Pages and [eWEEK Technology News]
10:58:59 AM    

SuSE Linux 9.1 Springs from 2.6 Kernel. SuSE-Novell on Thursday will announce SuSE Linux 9.1. Due in May, the forthcoming personal and professional distributions will support the new features found in the Linux 2.6 kernel. [eWEEK Technology News]
10:55:45 AM