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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 |
Slashdot | Better Search Engines
Slashdot | Better Search Engines
6:10:49 PM ![]() |
Jybe! - CoSurfing re-invented
Jybe! - CoSurfing re-invented:"Jybe lets you browse the web in real-time with friends, family and business partners. Show off your favorite websites or give your customer a live tour of your product catalog." 5:33:43 PM ![]() |
InfoWorld: W3C addresses Web services bandwidth: January 25, 2005: By Paul Krill : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : APPLICATIONS
InfoWorld: W3C addresses Web services bandwidth: January 25, 2005: By Paul Krill : APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT : APPLICATIONS - "The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on Tuesday published three specifications intended to make it easier to incorporate binary data such as graphics or photos into Web services applications. Improved processing of bulky XML files is part of the W3C’s solution. " 5:30:09 PM ![]() |
Slashdot | AOL Kills Usenet Access
Slashdot | AOL Kills Usenet Access
from the bad-times dept. Numair writes "BetaNews is reporting that AOL is about to terminate Usenet access for its users. Now, before everyone starts rejoicing
Ironic, isn't it? Many mark the end of Usenet as the dayAOL connected its users to it. The /. comments are worth reading on this one. 3:08:03 PM ![]() |
Freshmeat has tuned up its RSS feeds. I like this. It nopw includes screenshots and the 'changes' section of the entry. This is great. LiVES 0.9.5-pre1 (Development branch). Changes: This release featured fixed locale language regression, an update to the build system to allow building from a non-source directory, a removal of all dependencies on mplayer, and miscellaneous build fixes, including *BSD fixes. Support for RFX string parameters was added along with seven new RFX rendered effects: photo/still, posterize, brightness_change, hue_change, saturation_change, pixilate, and modulate. The encoders were updated with support for Snow, h264, and xvid. Users of international localse are advised to upgrade to this release. [freshmeat.net announcements (Global)] 2:49:03 PM ![]() |
OpenOffice.org database application: A first look review. Soon OpenOffice.org will introduce a database application to its office suite. For the last couple of years, OpenOffice.org has been developing its word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation manager programs to compete head-to-head with similar software products such as MS Office, Koffice, and Textmaker. The upcoming Version 2.0 rounds out the offering and adds the ability to create standalone databases, associated forms, reports, and queries much like MS Access. According to the documentation it's called OpenOffice.org Base. This story will discuss the OpenOffice.org Base and how it can be used in your business. I'll touch on the similarities (plus differences) with the OpenOffice.org database program and Access. I'll continue with a little commentary on migration issues. We'll finish up by building a basic contact database, a form, a query, and a report using the wizards. If you are already an OpenOffice.org believer, you can just skip down to the "build a quick database application" section to see how it works. [NewsForge] 2:41:53 PM ![]() |
Slashdot | Google Moves Into Video
Slashdot | Google Moves Into Video
from the finally-tipping-their-hand dept. prostoalex writes "Google will start indexing previously aired content from ABC, PBS, Fox News and C-SPAN and offer it as part of its Web search. No fancy speech-to-text recognition, just the closed captioning provided by the television networks, and no direct links to videocontent either." Right now, most of the channels are SF Bay area stations, but obviously more will be coming along. I saw a demo of this about six months or so ago - it's pretty cool, and interesting to see how far it has come. Not to be outdone, Yahoo! has beefed up its video search service too. 10:07:39 AM ![]() |
freshmeat.net: Project details for oXygen XML editor
freshmeat.net: Project details for oXygen XML editor - "This release adds a new source folding feature that allows collapsing and expanding elements, leaving in the focus only the ones you need to edit. The content completion based on a Relax NG schema has been reimplemented to offer similar support with the one based on XML Schema or DTD. The user can define document fragments that can be reused while editing. This version also adds support for MSXML 3.0/4.0/.NET and XSLTProc transformers and a lot of other features." 10:04:23 AM ![]() |