Thursday, August 21, 2003

SCO's big legal gun takes aim. Attorney Mark Heise is leading the company's battle against IBM--a legal case he says may redefine the direction of the software industry. [CNET]
2:32:36 PM    comment []  

Boeing's antispam spinoff takes flight. The aerospace giant launches its antispam spinoff, MessageGate, a commercialized version of the software the company uses internally to fight unsolicited e-mail. [CNET]
11:21:55 AM    comment []  

Note:  to publish any PowerPoint or Word doc to my Radio weblog, all I have to do is save the file as a Web page to Radio's WWW folder.  In a couple seconds, the files are uploaded.  I click on the link for the uploaded document in Radio's "events" page (on the main menu) and it takes me to the link I can use in my weblog.  Simple.  Given that the doc is both on my desktop and up at my site, I get an automatic back-up as part of the process. [John Robb's Weblog]

I've loved this 'magic folder bit for some time.  It is useful for publishing just about anything to the web.  I like it for the auto-publishing of CALIAuthor Lessons.

10:25:07 AM    comment []  

Webcam or DV, Lighting is Important. As web conferencing and DV taping become more popular thanks to new affordable A/V tools such as the iSight, a few "lighting" reminders seem in order. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Network Weblogs]

Good bit about the need for decent lighting when shooting video.

10:15:54 AM    comment []  

A Stroll Through the Ivy, With a Tour Guide That Beeps. A research project at Cornell University explores "context aware" computers - devices that can orient themselves in the real world and provide information about what is around them. By Jim Carrier. [New York Times: Technology]

A most excellent project with a real future.  The possibilities for this sort of thing are endless, especially in the 'guided tour' area, but also in any arena where you want to get site specific info to folks in real time.  Imagine something like this for class use.  You walk into the classroom and your device connects directly to the website/blog/blackboard for that class. 

9:59:46 AM    comment []