Monday, August 11, 2003

Yahoo/PRNewswire: The SCO Group Announces Signing of IP Compliance License for SCO UNIX Rights [Linux Today]

Of course details, like company name and amount of the license are cloaked in a 'confidentiality' clause in the license/contract.  So, more swell FUD.  Will SCO refund the license if a subsequent court action finds no theft of IP? 

4:13:59 PM    comment []  

Tips for New Lawyer-Bloggers. A reader asks: I'm wondering how to climb the blog learning curve. I don't know how to find one, much less start one, but would like to learn to do both. Can you help a beginner? Too big a question for one blog post, so to supplement the Blawgging 101 thread I've added the following resources: an essay, Becoming A Blogger, some Questions and Answers for New Lawyer/Bloggers, and a Bibliography. I hope to update and improve these as time goes on, so I welcome your comments and suggestions. [Jerry Lawson: Law Blogs 101]
4:09:40 PM    comment []  

Mighell & Pacifici On Virtual Communities/Blogs. Tom Mighell & Sabrina Pacifici's presentation from ABA Techshow 2003 is available at It is an MS PowerPoint slide show converted to PDF (about 4 Mb).  One of their more interesting suggestions is that web logs make good internal tools for law firms to discuss cases, evidentiary issues and so forth internally, and to promote cross-selling. [Jerry Lawson: Law Blogs 101]
4:06:55 PM    comment []  

on colleges and blog-like things. There’s an interesting story to be found in the thread here about a recent decision by Grinnell College to shut down a discussion space, Grinnell Plans, which was an important and vibrant community for students, staff, and alumni alike. The site has now moved to a private server, and the conversations continue. The link above does a nice job in laying out the arguments that led to the removal, and arguments the school made for closing the community. Is Grinnell’s decision common? [Lessig Blog]
10:05:21 AM    comment []  

Jake's got a wizzy editor working in Radio and Manila in Mozilla on Mac. What a relief. Now when people ask where's the wizzy editor for the Mac there will be an answer. [Scripting News]

Very cool.  If this is any good, I'll be able to give IE, since the only thing I use it for right now is Radio and Manila work cause I love the WYSIWYG editor.

9:24:24 AM    comment []