Saturday, August 02, 2003

Using the blog plugin to geeklog

OK, does this go to through a geeklog plugin?

Try 1: no go.  Here's the error:

Last error: The server,, returned error code 800: Unknown topic.

I added 'general' as the blogid to see if that works.

Try 2: It worked.  The post went right through to the front page though without some of the html.

10:17:02 PM    comment []  

Platform and Community Observations from a Mainframe Software Pioneer. A brief email from mainframe software pioneer Mario Morino about the similarities he sees between open source and open platforms and the early mainframe software era. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service: O'Reilly Network Weblogs]

Good piece, worth the read.

7:28:47 PM    comment []  

New Worm Spreading Via E-Mail. Security researchers are continuing to analyze a new worm that began spreading rapidly through e-mail systems worldwide earlier today. [Technology News from eWEEK and Ziff Davis]

This showed up on the teknoids list Friday morning.  We were ahead of the curve on this.  Interesting...

2:18:43 PM    comment []  

CERT warns of attacks, new holes in Windows. In the past two days, CERT has received reports of thousands of systems compromised using variations of the malicious code, which is known as DCOM RPC. [Computerworld News]
2:15:39 PM    comment []  

NCCUSL pulls support for controversial UCITA law. Although the software licensing measure isn't dead, proponents say it's now in a period of "repose" given vocal opposition to it in recent years. [Computerworld News]


2:13:33 PM    comment []