Thursday, March 20, 2003

PostCast Server 2.5 Beta 2 Released PostCast Server is an SMTP server that enables you to send messages directly from your computer. It is used for sending newsletters, distributing messages to different mailing lists, sending notifications to your customers, as well as for sending individual messages. The program you already use for sending and receiving messages can be connected to the server. Having done so, you can send messages in a usual manner. You can set the program to send messages on a daily basis, every hour, immediately after downloading them, or in some other time interval. If necessary, the program will automatically call your ISP and terminate the connection after completing its task. [BetaNews.Com]
10:35:40 AM    

Grub "provides a free for download, free to run, distributed crawling client, which is used to create an infrastructure (database + volunteers) that will eventually provide URL update status information for nearly every web page on the Internet. Grub's distributed crawler network will enable websites, content providers, and individuals to notify others that changes have occurred in their content, all in real time." Via Evhead. [Scripting News]

Hmm, not sure about this...

10:31:43 AM    

R&OS: pdf class
dynamic pdf documents

  Want to create dynamic pdf documents with PHP, but don't want to (or can't) install any of those required modules?

  Well we could have the solution.. for you, a PHP class which will allow the easy production of simple pdf documents...


10:08:43 AM    

Ars Technica: The Ars Technica Guide to Video Capturing - For those of you who read Ars Technica, but do not visit our forum, we have an Audio/Visual Club where we talk shop about everything ranging from TVs to Stereos to Speakers to Videocards and everything in between. Lately, there has been a lot of interest in capturing broadcast television and converting old VHS home movies to a more timeless digital format, such as VCD, SVCD, and DVD. As more and more people become interested, it becomes increasingly difficult to educate everyone on how to do this properly. Tapping the collective consciousness of the Ars A/V forum, we bring you the first part of the Ars Technica Guide to Video Capturing, Cleaning, and Compression:
10:02:57 AM NetMap network scanner 0.2.1 - NetMap is a network scanner written in Perl/GTK. It is not just another nmap frontend. It is a modularized network prober/scanner that just happens to have an nmap module. Incidentally, NetMap has nothing to do with the network weather mapper.
9:50:50 AM