Friday, March 14, 2003

Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station

Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station
SpacePosted by michael on Friday March 14, @05:13PM
from the who-needs-the-weather-channel dept.
kavachameleon writes "A site called Hobby Space has this article at which there are instructions on how you can build your own satellite weather station! Something I think all of us have wanted to do at one point or another, this site tells us all how to "hack" into the weather satellites and get back usable pictures using our PCs and an AM antenna. There are more instructions for getting geostationary images."


6:34:55 PM - Free Graphical User Interfaces - some good tutorials using various graphics packages live at  This one is an intro to Fireworks.  Designed for 4.x, it works with MX though you may have to hunt for the menus.
11:14:41 AM    

XPPubWiz.php 1.01 XPPubWiz.php is a standalone PHP script acting as a server for the Microsoft Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard (a nice HTTP upload frontend). It requires no installation and nearly no configuration. It is based on the Gallery XP Publishing Wizard implementation written by Demian Johnston and Bharat Mediratta, and is meant to be a simple starting point for anyone interested in writing a server for the Publishing Wizard.  []

This takes advantage of the XP web publishing wizard.  A few regiastry entries and you should be able to load files directly to a specific web server.  Worth investigating.

9:42:31 AM advances with 1.3 release [Ars Technica] - new release boasts lots of new features.
9:36:19 AM