Sunday, March 09, 2003

Slashdot thread on a new search engine that's bound to raise the fur of Google's lawyers. [Scripting News]
8:07:16 PM    

PHP Layers Menu 2.3.5 (Development) PHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical dynamic menu system to rapidly choose among the items. It works with both PHP3 and PHP4. It achieves a compact view and a reasonably small file size for the page with a very large number of entries. Its behaviour is analogous to the GNOME, KDE and MS Windows main menus. Menus are dynamically generated from the menu structures. It supports Mozilla, Netscape 4.x, 6.x, and 7.x, Konqueror, Opera 5 and 6, and Internet Explorer 4, 5, 5.5, and 6. It also provides solutions for browsers not supporting Javascript.  []

A personal fav keeps getting better and better.

8:03:28 PM    

FCKeditor 0.9.0 beta FCKEditor is an HTML editor that brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation in the client computer.  []

Stunning.  LTGTBT.

5:27:54 PM    

PhpDig 1.6 (Stable) PhpDig is a search engine written in PHP that uses a MySQL database backend. It features indexing of both static and dynamic pages, spidering of almost all links in HTML content, in hrefs, areamaps, and frames, and full text indexing. The search results appearence is skin-able, using a very simple templates system. It can index PDF and Office files using external tools.  []
4:56:35 PM