Friday, October 18, 2002 Project details for AWBot:"AWbot is a bot that connects to your Web site and makes URL requests like human visitor. It's not a Web indexing robot, but a Web client tool that emulates visitors browsing your Web site to test its stability after a development change, its reliability, and its response to heavy loads."
11:31:11 AM Project details for TestMaker:"TestMaker tests Web Services (HTTP, HTTP, SOAP, .NET, XML-RPC, etc.) for functionality, scalability, and performance. TestMaker is used to develop intelligent agents which drive a Web service just like a real user to check system configuration and to as simulate real-world environments where heavy load from users or virus attacks can potentially bring down a Web service. It comes with a scripting language to create the intelligent test agents, a test object library for simulating user actions, a graphical interface for creating and editing agents, and a utility to run agents concurrently."
11:28:51 AM Project details for Web Application Load Simulator - LoadSim allows you to record a Web browser session and play it back with as many virtual users as your network and computing resources allow. A single simulation can be run on different machines (to simulate large numbers of virtual users) and managed from a single console. Raw results consist of time-to-first-byte (TTFB), time-to-last-byte (TTLB), size of file downloaded, a label for the link, and the content type. It also comes with basic statistical analysis support for calculating means, standard deviation, and histograms for the raw results. It supports datasets so you can realistically simulate users (or use LoadSim as a way to initialize a database) with different form data.
11:25:49 AM    

Dan's Software:"POST - A low-level, high-performance, versatile testing and benchmarking tool for web servers. "
11:20:00 AM