Monday, May 17, 2004

Massachusetts same-sex marriages prompt reactions from President, state AGs. Reacting to the first state-authorized same-sex marriages that began in Massachusetts this morning (previously reported on JURIST's Paper Chase), President Bush Monday renewed his call for a Constitutional amendment banning the practice. Read his written [JURIST's Paper Chase]

I find it hard to believe that a sitting president of the United States, up for re-election, surrounded by serious issues, is renewing his call to make discrimination a part of the Constitution of the United States of America.  Especially after the federal courts have said that this is a state issue.  We probaly shouldn't expect less from an adminstration that tortures POWs and holds its own citizens without charge or recourse based on secret warrants in the name of national security.  America doesn't exactly look like the land of the free at the moment.

5:16:24 PM    comment []  trackback []  

Seven Open Source Business Strategies

Seven Open Source Business Strategies
GNU is Not Unix
Posted by Hemos on Monday May 17, @11:19AM
from the building-an-economic-future dept. writes "One of /. posters' favorite discussions is the value of open source as a business model. OSDN has an article on IT Manager's Journal that highlights seven business strategies for open source. " Slashdot and ITMJ are both owned by OSDN.


12:18:26 PM    comment []  trackback []  

FAQs about the Frontier open source release. [Scripting News]

More on the open-sourcing of Frontier.  Apparently Userland now only licenses Frontier as the platform on which Radio and Manila are built.

11:47:09 AM    comment []  trackback []  

b2evolution 0.9. A multi-lingual, multi-user, multi-blog engine. []
11:40:20 AM    comment []  trackback []  

Linus Not The Father Of Linux, According to Report

Linus Not The Father Of Linux, According to Report
Linux Business
Posted by Hemos on Monday May 17, @09:39AM
from the fear-uncertaintity-and-doubt dept.
MrIrwin writes "According to this article on Yahoo, Linus is not the real father of Linux and Open source software is really just code nicked from other sources. " Groklaw has done a dissection of the press release. It's a press release by the Alexis de Toqueville Institution, who gets funding from MSFT, as well as believes that US IT troubles are because of free software. Oh, and terrorism works better because of open source, and the "Star Wars" program was a good idea.


Does anyone take stuff like this seriously?

10:59:09 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Frontier Kernel to be Open Sourced
As good a time as any. And that's what I want to announce today. At some point in the next few months, there will be an open source release of the Frontier kernel. Not sure what license it'll use. There won't be any grand expectations of what kind of community will develop. Even if no bugs get fixed, if no features get added, if no new OSes are supported, it will be worth it, because its future will be assured. [Scripting News]
10:57:34 AM    comment []  trackback []  
ABA Journal

ABA Journal - Towering Titans - "Like well-prepared boxers entering the ring for a donnybrook, they have comparable statistics. They are giants who have built themselves up over decades to dominate their field. They are counter-punching and challenging, neither willing to let the other step too far ahead. They are the heavyweights of legal research, West and LexisNexis, providers of the digital services known as Westlaw and Lexis."

Good aritcle highlighting the competition between West and Lexis.  No mention of law schools.

10:46:54 AM    comment []  trackback []