Sunday, May 02, 2004

PHPBibMan PHPBibMan 0.3 released (PHPBibMan). Total project downloads to date: 130 Project description: PHPBibMan is a scientific reference database written in PHP. It is designed to be maintained by multiple users in universitary environments, providing file management as well as supporting BibTeX import and export. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Daniel Pozzi). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]

Web-based bibliographic manager.  Use to collect and share biblio data on resources used in research.  Would this sort of thing be useful to legal scholars?

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Ten Efficient Research Strategies for Distance Learning

Ten Efficient Research Strategies for Distance Learning:"Abstract:Today's distance education administrator, frequently with an expertise in another academic discipline, is also supposed to be a distance education scholar. This expectation results from the recent interest in distance learning that nearly all institutions of learning and disciplines of study have shown. More research, studies, journals, and essays about distance education also exist than at any other time.
A distance education administrator and an education research librarian at Brigham Young University have teamed up to identify ten pragmatic research strategies to help new, busy, and even a few experienced distance education administrators stay current in their field and successful in their applied research. All distance education research strategies identified were required to pass a distance administrator test for pragmatism, user-friendliness, and efficiency.
The ten research strategies that will be covered are accessing library expertise, books from your or others' library catalogs, academic journals, databases, current awareness services, subscription services, distance education Web portals, associations, listserv/discussions, and use of research assistants.

This article provides a good listing of resources available to those thrust into the position of adminstering a DE program.  The resources are also useful to anyone looking to get some background on the current 'state of the art' in DE.

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Longhorn's Real Job: Trying to Gore Linux

Longhorn's Real Job: Trying to Gore Linux - "You want to know one reason why Microsoft is taking so long to come out with Longhorn? It wants to make darn sure that it's as Linux and open-source unfriendly as humanly possible. Today, you can mix and match Linux, Windows and open-source programs pretty much as you see fit." - EWeek

An interesting idea.  If MSFT's real motive behind the delay in Longhorn is to try and derail Linux and open-source on the desktop, they are taking a great gamble.  IT managers may not wait the 18-24 months until Longhorn is available to make decisions about switching to Linux on the desktop and once the decision is made it will be hard to reverse. 

The open source community is not sitting around waiting for this to happen either.  This EWeek piece discusses a recent meeting held by leaders in the Gnome and Mozilla projects to discuss responses to the threat posed by Longhorn.  This may be were open source can really shine, developing tools and apps faster than MSFT to meet the real world needs of IT managers looking to improve performance, security, etc.

1:34:20 PM    comment []  trackback []  

docmgr 0.45 released (DocMgr). Total project downloads to date: 5836 Project description: A document management system with ocr capability, indexing, user permissions assignment, file discussion board, and multi-level file grouping. It utilizes PHP and PostgreSQL as the database backend. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Eric Lawman). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
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