Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Why MySQL Grew So Fast 

Why MySQL Grew So Fast
Data Storage
Posted by timothy on Tuesday April 20, @11:57PM
from the should-be-has-grown dept.
jpkunst writes "Andy Oram, who attended the MySQL Users Conference which was held April 16-18 in Orlando, Florida, attempts to explain MySQL's popularity in his weblog at (More weblogs about the 2004 MySQL Users Conference can be found at the The 2004 MySQL User's Conference & Expo Blog Collection.)"


From the article:

  • MySQL AB claims an installed base of five million systems, the largest of any database engined.

  • The domain sees almost as much traffic as

  • Six hundred attendees flocked to the recent conference.

  • MySQL AB has recently started, and has been heavily marketing, its own publishing outlet, MySQL Press.

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