Monday, April 05, 2004

Geekness Pays Off. De Novo now counts itself among some very good company on the Honor Roll of Law Student Blogs. And there was much rejoicing.... [De Novo]

Lotsa links to law student blogs.  A good thing.

11:57:02 AM    comment []  trackback []  

What Is RSS?.

Pete Weiss comes to my aid yet again by pointing out that Cindy L. Chick is trying her hand at her own RSS Tutorial on her weblog. The first was What Is RSS, published on March 21st. The second installment, Getting Started with RSS Aggregators, was published today, and goes briefly through Newzcrawler and Bloglines. She also mentions that the next one will be on Bloglines. I don't want to miss it, so I've subscribed to her RSS Feed [Library Stuff]

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