Thursday, April 01, 2004

Law schools brief ~ Cooley sues ABA for blocking accreditation of new programs. In yet another accreditation controversy, Thomas M. Cooley Law School has filed suit in a Michigan district court, seeking to enjoin the American Bar Association from blocking accreditation of its new, two-year satellite programs at Oakland and Western Mi [JURIST's Paper Chase]

Foot dragging by the ABA.  Cooley's press release certainly seems convincing, it will be interesting to hear the ABA's side of this, though it is unlikely we ever will get the full story.

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Howard Stern has been taken off the air by Infinity Broadcasting.  The Neo-Victorian censors in the FCC/White House/Congress have won.  No headlines yet (they will likely appear soon).  One solution:  Vote Bush and the Republicans out of office. [John Robb's Weblog]

Just a joke, April 1, etc

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