Thursday, April 17, 2003

Yale's Journal of Law & Technology--Blogified. How are weblogs being used in education? Yale, which already produces the Slashdot-style weblog LawMeme, now gives us YJoLT: the Yale Journal of Law & Technology--blogified. [Weblogs At Harvard]
4:48:22 PM    comment []  

Corel Ships WordPerfect Office 11 Touting document portability, Corel announced it has shipped version 11 of its WordPerfect Office suite. The new suite, which was unveiled last month, includes new file sharing features and a conversion utility for migrating WordPerfect files to a variety of formats.

Flexibility is key in
WordPerfect Office 11 says Corel, and the suite contains new document map and collaborative review functions. Corel has also returned to its roots for version 11, bringing back the blue interface found in WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS. 

Question: does anyone still care?  A number of law schools still use WP, or at least the faculty at a number of law schools still use it.  Of course I know a few who still use version 5.1 for DOS.  Perhaps the new blue interface will get them to upgrade.


4:27:36 PM    comment []