Tuesday, April 08, 2003

New howto for Berkman/Harvard weblog users shows how to add a basic comment window for weblog posts. [Scripting News]
10:25:26 AM    comment []  

Analysis of RIAA vs Princeton Student

Analysis of RIAA vs Princeton Student
The CourtsPosted by timothy on Monday April 07, @09:20PM
from the dan-peng's-empire-of-evil dept.
An anonymous reader submits: "Joe Barillari, a computer science student studying under Prof. Ed Felten, posted an analysis on his blog of the lawsuit filed by the RIAA against a Princeton college student for running "Napster-like" networks. He argues that the case doesn't quite live up to its contributory infringement claim due to limitations in the DMCA. A good read!"


As is often the case /. provides a good set of links to prickly legal issue.  No lawyers, but a good layman's review.

10:22:01 AM    comment []