Monday, February 09, 2004

Mozilla Thunderbird goes 0.5 and Firebird 0.8 gets a name change. The Mozilla organization announced today that its premier web browser, Firebird, is getting (yet another) name change. Plus! a major point release for both Firebird and Thunderbird. [Ars Technica]
8:20:54 PM    

openh323 v1.13.1 (pre Janus) released (OpenH323). Total project downloads to date: 5964 Project description: The OpenH323 project provides full featured, interoperable, Open Source implementation of the ITU H.323 teleconferencing protocol that can be used by personal developers and commercial users without charge. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Craig Southeren). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
8:19:42 PM    

Ross's Stupid Little Feedster/Share Your OPML Thing. [Scripting News]
8:08:37 PM    

Don Hopkins thinks MSIE should have pie menus. [Scripting News]

An intriguing alternative to standard interface fare.

9:46:54 AM    

Mozilla Firebird gets .8 Release, and New Name

Mozilla Firebird gets .8 Release, and New Name
The Internet
Posted by Hemos on Monday February 09, @08:02AM
from the what's-a-name-between-friends dept.
Yage writes "Firebird, the lightweight version of Mozilla gets release 0.8 and changes its name again (remember Phoenix?) to avoid confusion with another OSS project. The new name is Firefox. There's a press release out about the name change and new version. And, as usual, download it from" Worth noting that ThunderBird .5 has been released as well.


9:35:16 AM    

Radio UserLand : SCNS driver for SOAP 1.1:"Radio support for Simple Cross-Network Scripting or SCNS"

More SOAPy stuff I should keep up with.

9:17:22 AM