Wednesday, February 04, 2004

PCWorld's Hotspot Directory - Wi-Fi Hotspots - Wireless Hotspots - Worldwide Hotspot Directory - A very cool tool.  Seacrch by zipcode, address, airport, whatever, to find hotspots.

10:16:19 AM    

libnetdude-plugins Traffic Analyzer released (Netdude). Total project downloads to date: 8555 Project description: Netdude, the NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor, is a graphical tcpdump tracefile displayer and editor, using the GTK toolkit. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Christian Kreibich). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
9:59:45 AM    

Decode Your Barcode, Get Your Personal Info

Decode Your Barcode, Get Your Personal Info
United States
Posted by michael on Tuesday February 03, @09:21PM
from the mark-of-the-beast dept.
Chris writes "The Swipe Toolkit is a collection of web-based tools that sheds light on personal data collection and usage practices in the United States. The tools demonstrate the value of personal information on the open market and enable people to access information encoded on a driver's license or stored in some of the many commercial data warehouses. Check out the Data Calculator, which shows how much your personal info is worth, and how the data brokers get it. It's all part of the Swipe Project, which will be on exhibition at UC-Irvine in March."


9:56:30 AM    

DMC v2 v2.0.0 released (Digital Media Courseware). Total project downloads to date: 40 Project description: A multi-purpose courseware web engine based on php/html/mysql. It is based on previous courseware experiences done for classes at the MIT Media Lab and Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Mauricio Giraldo). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
9:51:41 AM    


BlogJet - Yet another way to post to your weblog from the desktop. Has anyone created a list of all of these services? If so, is there a pro/con list with it?

If there isn't one, then into the "to do" list it goes. [Library Stuff]

9:47:34 AM    

API documentation Roadmap - Feb04 released (dotproject). Total project downloads to date: 25256 Project description: PHP web-based project management framework that includes modules for companies, projects, tasks (with Gantt charts), forums, files, calendar, contacts, tickets/helpdesk, multi-language support, user/module permissions and themes [Download] [Release Notes] By (Adam Donnison). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
9:42:29 AM    

phpcodecabinet phpcc-0.5 released (phpCodeCabinet - Code Reference Library). Total project downloads to date: 1120 Project description: phpCodeCabinet allows developers to store code snippets from any language. Features include user-defined categories, syntax highlighting, an extensive search engine, a theme-based interface, user authentication, and code/category ownership privileges. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Brad Fears). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
9:32:07 AM