Monday, February 02, 2004

ActiveRenderer 2.0 has lots of new features. [Scripting News]
6:53:15 PM    

Browser Support 2004.'s stats live again. Not to be used as a final word, but as good an indication as you'll find of the global climate, their stats are aggregated from a widely distributed hit counter script, and presumably sample a broad... [mezzoblue]
6:51:52 PM    

xplorer² Alpha Released xplorer² is the sequel to 2xExplorer, a dual pane file manager. It has many new interesting features like column selection and "scrap" frames, which allow items from separate folders to be managed just like as if they were in the same folder. [BetaNews.Com]
1:57:09 PM    

Asynchronous Replication. The creator of Pratima explains how his asynchronous volume replicator works. [Linux Journal]
1:55:23 PM    

NSIS 2 Pre-release Release Candidate 4 released (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). Total project downloads to date: 117772 Project description: NSIS is a scriptable win32 installer/uninstaller system that doesn't suck and isn't huge. It adds an overhead of only 34 KB. NSIS 2 includes a new modern user interface, supports multiple languages and features an easy plug-ins system. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Amir Szekely). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
12:06:41 PM    

PHP Anthology, Volume 1, Chapter 2. Object Oriented PHP. Here, you'll gain a practical grounding in writing object oriented PHP. In the author's opinion, the best approach is to dive in head first, seeing how procedural tasks can be accomplished with classes in PHP, and adding the theory as you go. By Sitepoint. 0102 [WebReference News]
8:16:29 AM