Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Rounded Table Corners - This is something that comes up all the time. Rounded corners on tables really change the look of a site. However, they are not really something you can do in the HTML with code alone, you need to use images for the corners and put those in the corner cells of the table. It really isn't that difficult, but there is a superb tutorial on how to do it at Eric Hockman's site.

Eric, I don't have permission to link to you, so if this is a problem, let me know and I will remove the link.

[Matt Brown's Dreamweaver Blog]
8:10:52 PM    

Adrian Holovaty did some digging and found 15 more BBC feeds. Not sure if we're supposed to know about these. ";->" [Scripting News]
4:29:52 PM    

John Robb put together a list of what he calls Professional News Feeds. [Scripting News]
4:28:38 PM    

Releases - Mozilla 1.1 - Released August 26, 2002
1:45:04 PM    

Today the BBC announced that they are providing RSS feeds that can be used with all the popular news aggregators including our own Radio UserLand. [Scripting News]
12:48:03 PM    

phpFAQ 0.0.2 - phpFAQ is a PHP3 script that allows you to easily manage a FAQ page. It allows you to create, edit, and delete FAQ items. It also allows you to change the visibility mode and the view order. It includes simple code snippets that show you how to integrate the FAQ into your Web site. [freshmeat.net]
12:47:20 PM    

Book Excerpt: Professional PHP4 XML, Pt 4. You've transformed, queried, and modified; only one PHP XML task remains. The final installment of our excerpt series focuses on the writing of XML data from non-XML sources; and as usual, multiple approaches are possible. From Wrox Press. 0903 [WebReference News]
9:09:13 AM    

OpenRatings 1.3 - OpenRatings is a PHP/MySQL-based engine and Web site template for rating professors. The site sports a quick survey and free-form comments, and allows students to search for the best professors on their campuses based on a number of criteria. OpenRatings is great for students that want to start (and maintain) a professor evaluation site on their own campuses, as well as for smaller universities who want to allow their students to rate professors. [freshmeat.net]
9:06:57 AM