Monday, September 02, 2002

PHP Layers Menu 2.0beta3 (Development) - This release fixes a bug that prevented the menu system from correctly working on Mozilla with the long version of the HTML 4.01 Transitional Document Type Declaration. []
New release of my favorite menu system.
6:04:11 PM    

dvd::rip 0.45_04 (Development) []
6:00:42 PM    

myrss 0.1.0 - myrss gathers RSS feeds and writes them in XHTML output. The 'feel' of the output is designed to be similar to O'Reilly Network's Meerkat, and is modifiable through CSS. The interface is command-line driven. []
Requires python and such. Worth looking at.
5:57:49 PM    

myRSS: Build your own custom RSS channel
9:50:31 AM