Monday, December 06, 2004

"Anonymous Law Professor": Via "," I have.... "Anonymous Law Professor": Via "," I have learned of this new blog, which describes itself as "Stories from my classroom and the law school, by a fictional tenured law professor at a first tier law school." [How Appealing]

Amusing.  I do wonder how legit it is.  I've rarley known law profs to be so candid, even anonymously.

5:55:44 PM    comment []  trackback []  


From the U of Wisc. site:

Law School News

Japan Conference Internet Hook-up
Posted: Monday, December 06, 2004

University of Wisconsin Law professors Susan Steingass and Charles Irish and Dean Kenneth B. Davis, Jr., will be in Nagoya, Japan, on Friday and Saturday, December 10-11, 2004, participating in a conference on Technology in Legal Education. A live Internet hook-up is being set up for the Friday morning session, which will be Thursday evening in Madison

Business School instructor Rod Matthews will present from Madison.

Any law student or faculty member interested in participating may attend. The time will be approximately 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. on Thursday, December 9 in Room 5215.


Anyone have any idea what this conference is and how to find out more info?

5:48:57 PM    comment []  trackback []  
Sun open-source license could mean Solaris-Linux barrier | Tech News on ZDNet
Sun open-source license could mean Solaris-Linux barrier | Tech News on ZDNet - "Sun Microsystems has quietly begun seeking official open-source status for a new software license that likely will be used to govern its Solaris operating system.
But the license may inhibit cross-pollination between Solaris and Linux--a sacrifice Sun appears willing to make in its effort to attract developers and revitalize its version of Unix
. "
3:19:40 PM    comment []  trackback [] Project details for PolarBlog Project details for PolarBlog - "PolarBlog is an easily configurable embedded Weblog system that functions with PHP's register_globals off and safe_mode on. All output validates as valid XHTML and CSS. The installation supports both new installations and migrations from Personal Weblog. "
1:24:56 PM    comment []  trackback []