Monday, December 29, 2003

What Can't You Copyright?. Exactly what is and what isn't copyrightable? Obviously you can't copyright ideas, but can you copyright lists, for example names and addresses in a telephone book? Court opinions arranged in your own personal way? Page numbers? Number assignments? The alphabet? Can the David Letterman Show copyright the numbers 1 though 10, because they have a daily "Top 10" feature? How stupid does it have to get before the answer is No, you can't copyright that? Lawrence Lessig recently posted some materials on his blog that are helpful in this context. If you follow the thread Lessig provides, you'll be spending your Sunday afternoon the same way I am and you'll find some answers. [GrokLaw]

'Cause it ain't all about SCO.  This is a good post that does a neat job of summarizing the current state of what is and isn't copyrightable.

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