Thursday, December 11, 2003

Obfuscate It! Thwart Reverse Engineering of Your Visual Basic .NET or C# Code. Make your IL tougher to crack with code obfuscation. [MSDN Just Published]

A quote: "Here the authors present program obfuscation as a way to deter reverse engineering. In addition, they discuss the different types of obfuscation technologies available and demonstrate the new obfuscation tool that is included in Visual Studio .NET 2003."

It warms my heart to know that MSFT promotes the obfuscation of code and provides tools to help to that end.

2:45:52 PM    comment []  

Cramer On His Students. A few days ago, Clayton Cramer made some comments on the papers turned in this semester in a Constitutional History class he is teaching: I have just finished grading the term papers from my Constitutional History class. It has not... [En Banc]

Interesting.  Prof comments on the writing of students on blog, students read blog, get annoyed, complain, prof apologizes.   All in public.  This is why blogs are often cool: they make things transparent.  The prof vented, students reacted, prof relented, everybody feels better.

2:42:29 PM    comment []  

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

A page of shortcuts for Windows.  Sometimes you just need to let go of the mouse!

11:37:10 AM    comment []  

Aggregators and Information Overload.

Dennis M. Kennedy has written an article on news aggregators and how they reduce information overload. File...print. A quote from the concluding paragraph:

"For years I’d looked for a tool that would keep me better informed and more in control of the tidal wave of information I receive. I knew the world had changed the first morning that I checked my news aggregator before I checked my e-mail box. My news aggregator has dramatically changed the way I deal with information, especially developments that affect my practice, in a manner that is extremely positive and productive. You, too, should seriously consider taking a test drive with these new tools. They will help you where you need it on a daily basis and give you a greater sense of control—and that’s something all of us can use." (link via Virtual Chase)

[Library Stuff]
9:10:31 AM    comment []