Monday, October 27, 2003

Spam Rapidly Increasing In Weblog Comments

Spam Rapidly Increasing In Weblog Comments
The Internet
Posted by simoniker on Monday October 27, @01:12PM
from the generally-defined-as-not-good dept.
dsurber writes "BBC News has a nice article discussing 'flyblogging', the phenomenon of spammers leaving advertising-related posts on personal weblogs. The writer comments: 'None of the other blogs I contribute to or run has been affected yet, but I can only assume it is a matter of time before the spammers move in, as they did first with UseNet and then with e-mail. It depresses me to think that any open medium can be so easily undermined by people with no scruples, no sense of responsibility and no idea of the damage they are doing.'" It seems a little surreal that people are having to develop anti-spam weblog tools.


Yes, it is ture: the comments section of your blog can be spammed.  I've experienced this on a test MovableType.  It is a sad state of affairs.  I suspect it is only a mater of time until this happens in other systems.

2:40:22 PM    comment []  

Patent Sought For Amazon Marketplace

Patent Sought For Amazon Marketplace
The Courts
Posted by Hemos on Monday October 27, @11:06AM
from the such-a-cool-service dept.
theodp writes "On the same day CEO Jeff Bezos launched Amazon's Search Inside the Book feature, a 'completely new way for people to find the books they want,' the USPTO published Bezos' patent application for User interfaces and methods for facilitating user-to-user sales. Ironically, searching for 'Amazon' won't turn up Bezos' patent application--the claims are illustrated with example web pages for the hypothetical '', as seen through the eyes of 'Sally Small', 'Larry Large', and 'Barry Buyer.' References are made to other patent applications, presumably Amazon's, that describe a way to efficiently create links to bank accounts, the use of product viewing and purchase histories to identify related products, an electronic catalog search engine, the use of a browse tree for navigating a catalog by category, a wish list service, and a service for allowing users to post product reviews for viewing by others." I've used Amazon Marketplace to buy a fair number of things - it's too bad such a cool service has to be "patented", because you know, the concept of people selling to other people is obviously a new one. *sigh*


Maybe CALI sohould patent a method for delivering lessons to students....

1:49:33 PM    comment []