Tuesday, October 21, 2003

[teknoids] CALI Board of Directors - Call for Nominations The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) is seeking nominations of qualified and enthusiastic individuals to fill vacant
positions on its Board of Directors.  [Teknoids mailing list]

A worthy cause for those interested in furthering the use of technology in legal education and beyond.  I was on the CALI BOD before being graced with an actual job with the org.

3:19:22 PM    comment []  

Johns Hopkins report on Weblogs in Presidential Politics. "New report examines the use of blogs in Presidential Campaigning and finds only four of the nine of the Democratic candidates have created official blogs." [Weblogs At Harvard]

Of note.  Candidate blogs are a Good Thing, but, of course, like all forms of political communication run the risk of becoming mere platforms for campaign patter.  The best blogs would allow a candidate to post at 4:00 AM after a hard day of rubber chicken dinners without the benefit of rewrite by a chirpy political staffer.  After all it is honesty and openness that the bloggin community find most refreshing.

10:49:31 AM    comment []  

eVote(R)/Clerk eVote-2.52b2 released (eVote(R)/Clerk Vote-keeping Software). Total project downloads to date: 104 Project description: eVote(R)/Clerk is a specialized database server and user-interfaces for keeping votes. The unique architecture enables user-generated polls, secret or public votes, the ability to change your vote, and security from attack from the administrator. [Download] [Release Notes] By marilyndavis@users.sourceforge.net (Marilyn Davis). [SourceForge.net: Project File Releases (Site-wide)]

This could be a very handy system.  It may be of use to the author lists for deciding on lesson topics, meeting dates, etc.

8:33:55 AM    comment []