Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Microsoft, Amazon partner on Web services. A software application allowing access to Amazon.com Inc. products and data without a Web browser while users are working in Microsoft Corp. Office System applications will be available for free download later this quarter, the companies said Tuesday. [InfoWorld: Top News]

Most excellent.  This will be of considerable use.  Imagine being able to refer directly to a book in a Word doc with a link that includes information about the work.  Also a great aid to find sources, etc without going off to browse the web and getting sidetracked.

1:19:26 PM    comment []  

How Appealing's 20 questions siteHow Appealing's 20 questions site - 20 Questions with Circuit Judge Birch of the 11th Circuit, an Emory Law alum.  He has good things to say about Emory: "The school has marvelous, modern, handsome, and fully-automated facilities; a scholarly, dedicated and teaching-oriented faculty and a diverse and interesting student body. "
1:13:44 PM    comment []  

Microsoft fixes broken patch. The software giant releases a new patch for a security hole that had already been a conduit for attack by the Trojan-horse program dubbed QHosts. [CNET News.com - Front Door]

Yeah, a patch for a patch.  So it goes.

10:13:01 AM    comment []