Tuesday, March 18, 2003

The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals is now releasing its opinions in PDF format.  In addition it has added all prior opinions in PDF and made then searchable.  The collection goes back to November 1994, making it identical to the Emory collection

Here's a question: Why does Emory continue posting the cases?  Since the 11th is now publishing itself, isn't it time to make the Emory collection archival as has been done with the other circuits that were once hosted at Emory?  Even more interesting: what will happen to the hit count?

12:02:52 PM    comment []  

The Register:"IT publisher Wrox Press is set to close following the collapse into liquidation of US owners Peer Information last Friday. Peer Information owns Friends of Ed and Wrox Press, which trades as Glasshaus, Curlingstone, and runs a number of community sites. "

Sad news beginning to spread.  Wrox published some of the better titles on things like PHP, MySQL, and Apache.  With any luck someone will pickup the line.

8:59:57 AM    comment []