Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Field report. Jevon MacDonald and I just used Skype and it works great. Sound quality is very good without any lag. The technical literature on the Skype site says that it uses full peers to provide intermediary services for NATed/Firewalled peers that want to connect to each other. This radically increases the number of people that can connect to each other over traditional methods. Also, the fact that this is almost completely P2P means that the costs of running the network are near $0. I have finally found a reason to use my computer's microphone. Nice. Next step: get audblog to connect to this network so I can make audio posts. The genie is out of the bottle... [John Robb's Weblog]
6:40:00 PM    

AmphetaDesk: A hopped-up RSS reader. - by Lee Schlesinger - Having researched RSS and RSS readers, I was eager to put one to the test. I tried a few and stuck with AmphetaDesk, a Perl-based package that displays entries on a Web page. It has a few quirks, but it was relatively easy to set up -- and it saves me time over the alternative of visiting the various sites I now monitor. [Linux.Com: NewsForge Reports]
10:29:25 AM    

Web 2.0 is alive and well. VodooPad is a WikiWiki for the desktop. Nice.

Let me refine the Web 2.0 concept. Web 2.0 is based on desktop software that allows individuals to create n x n dynamic personal websites that run locally. [John Robb's Weblog]

Sigh... Like so many coolTools these days, only runs on OSX.  Isn't anybody doing anything cool like this for the Wintel world?

10:25:34 AM    

Mindmeld Development 1.2.1 released (Mindmeld). Total project downloads to date: 649 Project description: Mindmeld is an advanced knowledge solution that fosters the capture and delivery of knowledge across a company or community. [Download] [Release Notes] By (Richard Tango-Lowy). [ Project File Releases (Site-wide)]
10:19:09 AM