Thursday, November 18, 2004

Blogger meeting in Myrtle Beach SC
Here's a proposal for a blogger conference in the south east.  May even be worth a drive from Atlanta:)
9:04:22 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Installing a new web server: Apache2, PHP5, MySQL4 and PHPmyAdmin.
Installing a new web server: Apache2, PHP5, MySQL4 and PHPmyAdmin. - This article gives a good step-by-step guide, including pitfalls to avoid, to installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL on the Windows platform.  It is well worth taking an hour or so to set this up.
9:01:17 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Four vendors team up on new standardized Linux - Computerworld

Four vendors team up on new standardized Linux - Computerworld - "Four small Linux vendors have joined together to create a new Linux Standard Base 2.0-compliant binary set that they hope will attract independent software vendors and hardware makers to port their wares to the new code.
In an
announcement today, Conectiva SA, MandrakeSoft SA, Progeny Linux Systems Inc. and Turbolinux Inc. said they will share the core binaries in an effort to gain wider use of their products. "

This does look quite a bit like a rehash of United Linux with SUSE and SCO replaced by Mandrake and Progeny.

8:59:13 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Open-Source Geronimo Takes on WebLogic, WebSphere
Open-Source Geronimo Takes on WebLogic, WebSphere - "Geronimo was built with a compact kernel of only about 32 Kbytes of code for fast performance. The application server is also highly modular, so developers don't have to shut down and restart the server kernel every time they load a component or test an application, Cabrera said. This factor makes Geronimo very stable and productive for developers and for data center managers, he noted. "
8:56:50 AM    comment []  trackback []  
AOL: Netscape's Not Dead Yet
AOL: Netscape's Not Dead Yet - "Linux violates more than 228 patents, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said at the company's Asian Government Leaders Forum in Singapore. He did not provide any details on the alleged violations, which the Linux community disputes. "
8:54:59 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Yahoo! News - Microsoft Warns Asian Governments of Linux Lawsuits

Yahoo! News - Microsoft Warns Asian Governments of Linux Lawsuits - "Linux violates more than 228 patents, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said at the company's Asian Government Leaders Forum in Singapore. He did not provide any details on the alleged violations, which the Linux community disputes. "

Of course he didn't provide any details, because there aren't any.  This is just so much FUD.

8:44:36 AM    comment []  trackback []