Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Welcome to ELML, the eLesson Markup Language
Welcome to ELML, the eLesson Markup Language:"ELML, eLesson Markup Language, is an OpenSource XML framework for creating eLessons using XML/XSLT technologies. It is a "spin-off" from the GITTA project (Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance), a Swiss GIS eLearning project. "
9:14:14 AM    comment []  trackback [] - News and Information from the University of Washington - News and Information from the University of Washington - a collection of newsfeeds from UofW.  This is going to be the wave of the future.
9:10:46 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Linux on a flash drive : Page 1
Linux on a flash drive : Page 1 - "How many times have you sat at a computer and thought, If Linux was installed on this box I could... Wish no longer. Instead of carrying around bulky Live CDs or an external hard drive, how about Linux in your pocket? The combination of a USB key and SLAX, the Linux distro used in this example, is a powerful combination when it comes to troubleshooting and spreading the word about Linux. The ability to boot the key, browse the computer's hard drive (SLAX has NTFS support built in), and then locate and burn a file to CD can be very helpful, especially with a computer that is on its last legs. So grab your key and come with me, when we're done you'll have a new tool to help out in the computing trenches." -  [Ars Technica]
9:09:14 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Slashdot | New Rules Make Domain Hijacking Easier

Slashdot | New Rules Make Domain Hijacking Easier -

New Rules Make Domain Hijacking Easier
The Internet
Posted by timothy on Wednesday November 10, @01:08AM
from the and-ease-of-use-is-important dept.
Tanktalus writes "Netcraft seems to have a little ditty about new rules from ICANN that take effect on Friday making it easier to hijack domain names. Essentially, if someone tries to take your domain, and you don't answer within 5 days, they now assume you are okay with the transfer. Previously, the default answer was no, and you had to explicitly state your acceptance of the domain transfer. Owners of small domains, beware: no more computerless vacations that last more than 4 days at a time!"

9:06:49 AM    comment []  trackback []  
InfoWorld: Microsoft to launch new search engine technology: November 10, 2004: By : APPLICATIONS : DATA_MANAGEMENT
InfoWorld: Microsoft to launch new search engine technology: November 10, 2004: - "The new search engine will go live on the company's MSN Web site, a representative for the company said.
The software giant has made clear its plans to conquer the lucrative search market, teasing industry watchers with Web and desktop search previews. In June, Microsoft upgraded its MSN Search site and it has been posting new search technology prototypes at its testing site Meanwhile, company executives have stated their intentions to take Google to the mat.
9:05:50 AM    comment []  trackback []  
The New York Times > Technology > Even Digital Memories Can Fade
The New York Times > Technology > Even Digital Memories Can Fade - "The nation's 115 million home computers are brimming over with personal treasures - millions of photographs, music of every genre, college papers, the great American novel and, of course, mountains of e-mail messages.
Yet no one has figured out how to preserve these electronic materials for the next decade, much less for the ages. Like junk e-mail, the problem of digital archiving, which seems straightforward, confounds even the experts.
9:04:30 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Slashdot | Welkin: A General-Purpose RDF Browser

Slashdot | Welkin: A General-Purpose RDF Browser -

Welkin: A General-Purpose RDF Browser
The Internet
Posted by timothy on Tuesday November 09, @08:53PM
from the what-am-I-thinking-about dept.
Stefano Mazzocchi writes "Many consider the Semantic Web to be vaporware and others believe it's the next big thing. No matter where you stand, a question always pops up: Where is the RDF browser? The SIMILE Project, a joint project between W3C, MIT and HP to implement semantic interoperability of metadata in digital libraries, released today the first beta release of a general purpose graphic and interactive RDF browser named Welkin (see a screenshot), targetted to those who need to get a mental model of any RDF dataset, from a single RSS 1.0 news feed to a collection of digital data."

9:03:29 AM    comment []  trackback []  
Wink - [Homepage]

Wink - [Homepage]:"Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots of your software, use images that you already have, type-in explanations for each step, create a navigation sequence complete with buttons, delays, titles etc and create a highly effective tutorial for your users."

Exports to Flash, HTML, PDF, and .EXE files.

8:28:18 AM    comment []  trackback []