Wednesday, May 07, 2003

SiteObjects - soEditor 2.5 Overview - Dynamic Web Content Management Solutions - WYSIWYG XHTML/HTML Editors- soEditor turns an ordinary <textarea> form field into a dynamic What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) browser-based HTML editor.  Both the Pro and Lite versions of soEditor add comprehensive word processor-like features to your web sites and web applications.  soEditor makes it possible for anyone to create, edit and maintain web content without the need for HTML knowledge or programming expertise.  soEditor is supported on ColdFusion, .Net and ASP platforms.
10:46:50 AM    

XP Startup and Performance Tweaks tartup and Performance Tweaks

Posted 5/6/2003 - 11:02PM, by Ben "Ator" Rota
It's been a while since we added any tweaks to our "How-To's and Tweaks" section, but today we're going to remedy that with a handful of tweaks for the OS that more and more of you are running every day, Windows XP. The first set of today's tweaks focus on tweaking your boot time, and the rest of 'em center around general performance tweaks, some aimed at overall OS performance and some at application performance. We hope you like 'em, but let me add one more warning to the ones you're going to get in the article itself: some of these involve monkeying around with your registry, an act not to be taken lightly, especially by the inexperienced. So back up, boyos! With that, on to the tweaks! [Ars Technica]

10:32:37 AM    

Product Review: Mantis Bug Tracker. An easy to install (when you know a few prerequisites), easy to use (even for beginners) bug tracking web application. [Linux Journal]
10:20:18 AM