Wednesday, November 06, 2002

OpenH323 1.10.2 OpenH323 is an implementation of the H.323 protocol used by Internet voice communication programs such as NetMeeting. It runs on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, and Solaris, and includes a client program that can be used to make voice calls to other H.323-compatible clients.  []
5:41:59 PM    

New feature for Radio: Mail-From-Aggregator. "Some people like to read the news that the aggregator gathers in email. This can be useful if you travel a lot, or want to share news with a group of people who may not use Radio." [Scripting News]
12:07:28 PM    

slashlog:"Slashlog is a blog for people who wants to publish their own ideas. Slashlog is a simple web application developed with ColdFusion (Fusebox) and MySQL."
8:26:45 AM