Video and Powerpoint together in MS Producer
Using MS Producer to create video/powerpoint sync'd presentations- Requires Win2k or XP and PowerPoint 2002 (from Office XP)
- see for Producer home
- A copy of Producer 1.1 is at staff/tools/msprod11.exe
- Powerpoints are at staff/tools/CALI
- Video files are at rmcontent$/con03/
- You'll need about 5 gigabytes of disk space to do the whole conference.
- Install Producer 1.1
- Copy video and powerpoint to local drive.
- This is necessary to avoid network lag problems, timing and performance issues.
- Fire up Producer and let's get to work.
- Go with 'Use the new presentation wizard' which is the default. Click 'OK".
- In 'Presentation Template' scroll down and select 'Standard video (320x240) - Fixed Slides, Fixed HTML'. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Presentation Information' use the info from the agenda page to fill out the form. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Import Slides and Still Images' enter the path info for the .ppt file with the slides for the session. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Import or Capture Audio and Video' enter path info for the .wmv file that is the video for the session. Click 'Next'.
- Say 'Yes' to 'Synchronize Presentation'. Click 'Next'.
- Click 'Finish' to import the media into the timeline. This may take a few minutes. It is important that the slides and the video be available on the local machine for this step to complete properly.
- Once the import is complete the 'Synchronize Slides' dialog opens. At this point you will need to watch the presentation. Click the play button, clicking the 'Next Slide' button to change the slide as they change on the video.
- Note that you may not be able to see the slides in the video so you may have to guess. If it is impossible to see the slides or figure out when they change, you can just set the slides to span across the video.
- When done, click 'Finish'. This should put everything together into Producer and setup the presentation in 'Preview'.
- At this point save the project, use a memorable name.
- You can play the project to see that the transitions are ok.
- Once you are satisfied, select 'Publish' from the tool bar.
- This opens the 'Publish Wizard'. In 'Select a Playback Site' check 'My Computer'. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Publishing Destination', enter a filename, and info on where to publish files to. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Presentation Information' verify the proper info. Click 'Next'.
- In 'Playback Quality' select 'For target audience at 150 Kbps'. Click 'Next'.
- Click 'Finish' to publish files. This will write the presentation to the local hard drive. Note that this will take up to 45 minutes.
- We'll worry about getting everything up to the website via FTP once a few are done.